Chinese Astrology - The Chinese Way

The Astrology of China

Chinese Astrology - the Chinese system of astrology practiced for over 2,000 years

What Is It: astrology based on the lunar calendar that assigns an animal to a year of birth. The animal is said to match the attributes of the person born during that year. It repeats in a twelve-year cycle. The animals of the Chinese zodiac are not associated with constellations as in Western astrology. It also corresponds to a year cycle rather than months. However there are nuances to the system that represent month (called "inner animals"), by day (called "true animals") and hours (called "secret animals"). Chinese astrology also incorporates the five Chinese zodiac elements - earth, metal, water, wood, and fire—and yin and yang energy. In Western astrology, the constellations move as do the planets. But in Chinese astrology everything is predetermined by birth year and never changes. If you were born in 2004; you will always be a Monkey.

How Does It Work: check out a Chinese astrological calendar for the year you were born. The animal associated with that year is your Chinese astrological sign

How to Use It In Your Daily Life: you can chose to use Chinese astrology by itself, or in a combination with Western astrology. It’s interesting to see the differences. There is no better or worse system. Ultimately it’s your choice.

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