12th House Deep Dive

The House of the Subconscious

 The House of Intuition, Sub-conscious, Self-sabotage and Endings

Key words:  hidden things, dreams, secrets, unseen realm, disappointments, astral entities, secret enemies, confinement, prisons, hospitals, institutions, dreams, psychic energy, the sub-conscious or unconscious mind, self-sabotage, self-defeating behavior, self-undoing, service or suffering (there is a choice), repression, karma, addictions

 Look at your 12th house for direction about: where you connect to a higher power, where you self-sabotage

The Astrology: the Twelfth House focuses on everything hidden. It’s things like your subconscious mind. It’s the place you try to connect to when you are meditating or even day-dreaming. It’s the house of your dreams, intuition, hunches, or insights. It can also include hidden fears and anxieties. It’s also deals with self-sabotage- where you unconsciously or consciously step on your own two feet or get in your own way. It’s can be a blind spot or narrow binders that don’t let you see the whole picture about something.

What sign is your 12th house?


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