Recee M.
Recee M.
Age: 28
Sun Sign: Capricorn
The best thing about being a Capricorn is: The best thing about being a Capricorn is how hard-working and determined we are. I feel confident knowing I have the tenacity to accomplish any task before me, no matter how hard. We are natural-born go-getters!
The hardest thing about being a Capricorn: The hardest thing about being a Capricorn is how much we relate achievement with self-worth. So sometimes we feel the need to be productive all the time. It might feel uncomfortable or lazy to take a break or rest. In reality, one cannot function at your highest level of productivity all the time.
I’m at my most Capricorn when: I am getting things done, checking tasks off my TDL, or finishing a project.
My best tips for other Capricorn: Remember that your rest is not a reward, it is essential to your well-being.
What else do you want people to know about being a Capricorn? If you want a task done well the first time, ask a Capricorn. Having us on your team is a sure-fire win. Just don't expect to be the boss when a Capricorn is around :)