Cory P.
Cory P.
Age: 17
Sun Sign: Gemini
The best thing about being a Gemini is: My curiosity in the world around me. I’m always so eager to learn more, whether through school, experiences, or from other people. It makes life extremely exciting and very fulfilling, since I have this continued interest and desire to expand the breadth of my knowledge. I’ve found it’s made me appreciate life more and never settle in terms of exploring what I can.
The hardest thing about being a Gemini is: How difficult it can be to slow down. Although, for the most part, I love how my mind is constantly on the go, it can be exhausting to feel like you’re never allowed to stop - there’s almost this guilt I feel when I do take a break because I feel like I have to keep working, learning, or doing something.
I’m at my most Gemini when: I’m at school. I love being surrounded by other intellectuals, engaging in fascinating debates and conversations, and learning! I am completely immersed in my environment and truly feel most at ease.
My best tips for other Geminis: Don’t be too hard on yourself when you don’t understand something right away. Our curiosity and intellect allows us to understand things quickly - it’s why we are always eager to move onto the next thing to learn or experience - but this doesn’t mean it isn’t always the case. You’re not a failure if so, you’re human! So be kind to yourself and keep on using that amazing mind of yours.
What else do you want people to know about being a Gemini? There’s a large stereotype that all Geminis are “two-faced,” which couldn’t be further from the truth. In reality, there’s just so much going on in our heads all the time, and whatever voice is the loudest in that moment wins. We just operate on hyper-speed on every level, so it’d make sense that it seems like our emotions shift so quickly that we’d have two completely different personalities. Understanding this can make it easier to see why our emotions just seem to change out of nowhere - but it doesn’t mean that we aren’t loyal, or “two faced” in the typical sense of the word!