Scorpio - Deep Dive

Oct. 23-Nov. 21

A Focused Researcher

Your symbol:  is the Scorpion, the eagle, and the serpent. Lucky you—you have three symbols. The most well-known is the scorpion. The stinger on the tail of the scorpion is represented by the arrow at the tip pointed upward. It’s mainly a self-protection mechanism when the scorpion feels threatened or is in danger. Scorpio season is late fall, when days  get shorter, food gets more scarce, and there’s a chill in the air. Scorpio is also Halloween season.

Key words: intense, secretive, powerful, charismatic, private, probing

Your element: is Water

Your mode: is Fixed

Your planetary ruler: is the Pluto

Your “why” is:  to dig deeply and know all the mysteries of life. You want to get to the bottom of everything and find what lies underneath—good or bad. You’re comfortable with both. You also want power and control. You’re passionate, intense, and strong-willed. If you were an object, you’d be a microscope or a laser beam.

You’re: the most intense sign of the zodiac. You’re a “ride or die” kind of person that doesn’t do anything halfway. You’re not easygoing. You can have obsessive focus and passion. You’re powerful, strong-willed, and determined. Drama may follow you. Your ability to focus and concentrate is legendary. You’re successful and can outwork anyone if you care about the subject. You intuitively understand human nature and know that everyone has both a light and a dark side. There’s a conundrum about you. You have to be in control and yet you crave intensity and even risk. 

Are you a Scorpio? Do you know a Scorpio?


How to relate to a Scorpio


Scorpio - Overview