11th House Deep Dive

The House of Friends, Groups & Associations, Hopes & Dreams 

Key words: Community, Friendships, Wishes, Associates, Social circle, Groups, Group identity, Goals and objectives, Hopes and dreams

 Look at the your 11th house for direction about: who you should be friends with, what organization would resonate with you 

The Astrology: The Eleventh House is commonly referred to as the House of Friendships. It’s not necessarily our BFF but it’s people who we consider our “tribe.” These could be clubs, social groups, networking organizations and professional associations that you belong to. The 11th house is all your platonic relationships. This could be your needle work group that meets every Friday to the religious organization you attend. It can also be the people you volunteer with at the soup kitchen or the political organization you knock on doors for. It’s about the activities to participate in within these groups. It’s associated with other people that we connect with as a group. It’s also the house of your hopes and dreams. It’s  your expectations and wishes.

What sign if your 11th house?


10th House Deep Dive


The Astrology of… Countries