10 Planets

Planets are the second most important factor in astrology. There are ten planets in astrology. The Sun, Moon and Pluto are considered planets, but the Earth is not. The others are Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.
Each planet has a job and governs a specific function in your life.

Sun represents you. It’s your sense of self and ego. It’s your basic character, identity and how you see yourself. It’s also your sense of purpose and how you are meant to shine in the world. It’s about how you are act and express yourself.
Moon represents your emotions. It’s your inner world, instincts and habits. It’s your feelings and emotional reactions. It’s about how you react and feel the way you do.
Mercury represents your mind. It’s about how you think, communicate and learn. It’s about your intellect and how you think things out.
Venus represents your heart. It’s about how you love and your love style. It’s focused on what you’re attracted to. It’s also about your values and money. It focuses on how you handle your assets and finances.
Mars represents your drive. It’s how you go about getting what you want. It’s about your courage and motivation. It’s how you express your enthusiasm.
Jupiter represents your personal philosophy and beliefs. It’s about your confidence and level of optimism. It’s also where you’re naturally lucky and gifted. Jupiter deals with the truth of things.
Saturn represents your fears and anxieties. It’s where you feel limited, restricted or held back. It’s how to deal with authority and responsibility. It’s also about mastery and your self-discipline.
Uranus represents your uniqueness. It’s how you’re different. It’s how you break through, innovate and see things differently. It’s also what you rebel against and where you want to be independent.
Neptune represents your imagination. It’s your intuition and connection to the universe. It’s where you escape the everyday. It’s where you’re inspired and creative. It deals with your compassion.
Pluto represents your personal power. It’s about how you use your will power and what you want to control. It’s also about how you handle transitions and how you transform yourself. It also deals with your obsessions and intense attachments.
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