Gemini Alcott's World of Astrology

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Full Moon Ceremony

What you need (any of the below):

-     candles

-     crystals

-     incense, sage, essential oils, a diffuser

-     notebook & pen

-     water

-     a yoga mat/cushion

To take advantage of the full Moon’s energy, write a list of things that you want to release in your life over the next thirty days, about eight to ten hours before a full Moon. These could be things that aren’t working or that no longer serve you, like your job or a relationship.

During the time of a full Moon at about sunset, go to a quiet place. Review your list and meditate on it.

Then light a candle and repeat out loud:

Now let go and have faith. The universe is in charge.

Have you ever been in a full moon ceremony? What was it like?

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